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Ongoing study Health and Reproductive Choices (HeR Choices)

A relatively large number of women not seeking pregnancy engage in unprotected sex or use less effective contraceptive methods even when more effective methods are made available at no cost in a confidential setting. This study seeks to explore the reasons why young women choose not to adopt the more effective contraceptive methods that providers, policymakers and funders hope (and often assume) they desire.

Research Aims

we are interested in identifying how young women's attitudes about low-efficacy methods and unprotected sex, mental health, aspirations for the future and their perceived likelihood of achieving these aspirations are associated with method choice.

Study Design

In order to better understand what drives contraceptive use among young women seeking to avoid pregnancy, we are conducting a mixed-methods study to explore the psychosocial motivations and structural factors that impact the choices of adolescent and young adult women who present for family planning services. 

In order to hear about women's experiences and perspectives, the study is recruiting female family planning patients at Bay Area youth-serving clinics. Approximately 20 women will be invited to participate in qualitative telephone interviews, and approximately 200 women will be surveyed at baseline (at their family planning clinic visit) and three months later.


Findings from this study will help identify practical interventions that could be used within a clinical setting in order to improve contraceptive counseling approaches and enhance women's health care experiences across their lifespan.