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Ongoing study Care Post-Roe

This study is hoping to learn more about how clinical care has changed since Roe v. Wade was overturned. 

The purpose of this study is to collect stories of clinical care that was different from the usual standard due to new laws since June 2022. Examples include:

  • Delayed provision of abortion care for people whose health may be compromised by continuing the pregnancy (including young adolescents)
  • Delayed management of ectopic pregnancy
  • Delayed treatment for spontaneous pregnancy loss and preterm prelabor rupture of membranes
  • Difficulty providing standard-of-care treatment due to the concern of causing an abortion, regardless of whether the patient was pregnant or not (e.g., chemotherapy, methotrexate, or misoprostol for a non-abortion indication

Who can join?

Please submit your story if you...

  • Are a health care provider who was involved in any part of the care of the patient
  • Are any member of the health care team—physician, nurse, nurse practitioner, midwife, physician assistant, social worker, pharmacist, psychologist, or other allied health professional
  • Cared for the patient at any point—either initially or possibly after they traveled to another state.

A health care provider may make multiple submissions, either to provide updates on a previously submitted case or to submit a new case or cases.

How can I participate? 

Follow this link to submit de-identified information about the case. You may type in your responses or record a voice memo describing the case.

All submissions are anonymous, and IP addresses are not collected. If you would like to be interviewed about the case, you will have the option to leave your contact information, which is not linked to the clinical narrative submission. The study is approved by the UCSF Institutional Review Board, and the researchers have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health.

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